Daiwa Scholarships 2013

The Daiwa Scholarship is a unique 19-month programme of language study, work placement and homestay in Japan.

Daiwa Scholarships offer young and talented UK citizens with strong leadership potential, the opportunity to acquire Japanese language skills, and to access expertise and knowledge relevant to their career goals.  No previous experience of Japan or Japanese is necessary. 

As of  April 2012, 135 Daiwa Scholars – including scientists, artists, academics, lawyers and architects – will have benefited from the Daiwa Scholarships.  Daiwa Scholarships are provided by the Foundation to encourage better understanding between both countries.  Successful applicants will be based in Tokyo form September 2013 until the end of March 2015.  They will receive intensive language training; have opportunities to network with decision-makers in their field; and undertake work-placements at organisations relevant to their career goals.

The closing date for Daiwa Scholarship 2013 applications is Thursday 6 December 2012. The online application will be available from September 2012.  For more information about what is involved in the programme, please visit the web site here.

The Foundation is also happy to provide advice about possible applications – please contact scholarships@dajf.org.uk.