A couple of months ago we upgraded BRIAN to a new version, which should be more easy to navigate through. However, in making it super whizzy and giving you different ways to view your data, it’s not always easy to see the obvious. So, the number one question we get asked is ‘I can’t see where to enter x’. The main thing being grants and professional activities.
The reason for this is because there are new tabs at the top, which show different data.

It would seem logical that all your data is under ‘my profile’ but it isn’t. ‘My Profile’ is just a summary page of what you have previously entered under publications and grants. In order to enter data against your BRIAN account, you need to ensure that you are on the home page, which is symbolised by a picture of a house. The home page will enable you to enter publications, grants and professional activities.
I hope this helps. If you have any queries, please contact us at BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk. We’re here to help.