Arjan Gosal in the Faculty of Science and Technology is conducting research into spatial mapping of ecosystem services. As part of his doctoral studies he has developed an online survey that is open to all stakeholders in the New Forest National Park and surrounding areas. This includes local residents, tourists, farmers, land owners, nature conservation organisations, local government, game managers and many others.
This research aims to gather valued opinions of the community who live, work or use the New Forest National Park. The survey data will be used to determine the services and habitats most important to stakeholder groups. This information will be incorporated with the online mapping exercise data into geographic models to show ecosystem service values within the New Forest National Park.
Survey participants are entitled to enter into a free prize draw to win one of two £20 Amazon.co.uk vouchers. The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
If you would like to contribute to this important study please complete the short survey online at: www.newforestsurvey.co.uk
For further information or for any questions please contact Arjan Gosal (info@newforestsurvey.co.uk).