An orchestra for people with dementia and their families faciliated by players from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (BSO) and BU Music students has been funded following a successful application from Ian Jones, Ian Davis and I to the FIF CCCP strand. The kick off meeting with the musicians, students and the BUDI team was held on the 5 March and we are currently in the process of recruiting people with dementia, and their carers if they wish, to participate in a 10 week programme that will start in April and culminate with a performace at the Winton Life Centre on 14 June as part of the BU Festival of Learning. This is the first project that we are aware of where a symphony orchestra works with people with dementia giving them the opportunity to relearn instruments, learn instruments for the first time while combining this with the choir approach of many initiatives in the UK and worldwide which acknowledge the power of music for the well-being of those with dementia. The team working on this project are very excited about the possibilities this project offers, not just as an example of public and community engagement, and a fused approach to working between students, researchers and professional musicans that engages with those living in our community, but because it ensures that we address one of the fundamental myths that often surround dementia of decline in abilities, when in fact people with dementia can learn new things!