As a result of the Teach@BU pilot, the following HEA fellowships have been awarded:
Mary-Beth Gouthro, ST
Hanaa Osmann, ST
Senior Fellow
Anya Chapman, ST
Bethan Collins, HSC
Fiona Cownie, MS
Jill Davey, HSC
Anita Diaz, SciTech
Crispin Farbrother, ST
Karen Fowler- Watt, MS
Gill Jordan, HSC
Kevin McGhee, SciTech
Colin Paterson, HSC
Louise Preget, BS
Janet Scammell, HSC
Ben Thomas, SciTech
Christa Van Raalte, MS
Sara White, HSC
Principal Fellow
Elizabeth Rosser, HSC
Chris Shiel, SciTech
Gail Thomas, HSC
Interesting that the list is largely female – worthy of exploration? Important also to understand as we develop an approach based around Fusion?