Top tips from the Leverhulme Trust

The Leverhulme Trust have provided us with helpful notes when submitting an application to them.  They have provided notes on the most common errors made, which result in an application being returned.  These are as follows:

• Applicants should only use their institutional email address – gmail, hotmail, etc addresses are not allowable.

• Principal and co-applicants cannot claim for direct salary costs for themselves nor be a consultant, research assistant, local researcher or PhD student.

• There must be at least one research assistant, local researcher or PhD student working for at least 50% in each year of the grant.

• Percentages must be based on the time spent on the project as a whole, not yearly. For example a research assistant working on a project for 100% would have to be costed in every year, not just one.

• Replacement teaching must not exceed 33% on any grant, this equals a third of the time of any project, e.g. 1 year on a 3 year grant.

• Consultants must be named and be crucial to the project, they cannot claim a salary only a reasonable fee.

• If you are requesting administration/secretarial/technician/technical assistance then this must be listed under associated costs.

• Leverhulme Trust do not provide funding for setting up a conference, only to attend ones relevant to the research being undertaken.

If you are thinking of applying to the Leverhulme Trust then please contact the RKEO Funding Development Team and we will assist you with your application.