Introductory Session: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2015 – European (EF) and Global (GF)
WHAT: Two brief overview sessions (1 hour) introducing the fellowships, the support being offered to staff applying and a mapping of the processes both internal and external.
WHERE: Lansdowne (B407) : Tuesday 27th January 10.30am-11.30am , Talbot (P335): Wednesday 28th January 3.30pm-4.30pm (it’s the same session – one for each campus).
The 2015 call for these very popular fellowships is launching 12/03/15. The scheme involves a Researcher, potentially from anywhere in the world, coming to BU for 1 or 2 years with generous funding for salary and other costs.
Come along and find out more!