Saturday 10th – Sunday 18th October saw the celebration of Biology Week nationwide. To join the celebrations Genoveva Esteban and Daniel Franklin from the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (SciTech) took part in the Family Festival of Science on 10th October at the Thomas Hardye School (Dorchester), which was attended by over 1,500 visitors. Drs Esteban and Franklin organised two hands-on activities: Organisms that light up their world (funded by the Royal Society of Biology), with help from Wei-Jun Liang (Scitech) and his students who prepared some amazing glowing bacteria; and Ecology under the Microscope (funded by the British Ecological Society), showing how food chains work. Visitors came from far and near…Stroud Valley, Oxford, Devizes, Cranborne, Lyme Regis, Bournemouth, Wimborne, Portland, Sherborne and, of course, Dorchester. Visitors’ age ranged from babies in arms up to Year 12 helpers aged 17 and beyond to great grandparents. A very busy but tremendous day for everyone involved. Special thanks go to Mrs Judith Wardlaw, other staff at Thomas Hardye School and to all the 6th Formers that helped on the day.