Prof. Lee Miles and Dr. Lenia Marques presented their latest research outcomes at the ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education) annual conference, which took place in Lisbon (Portugal), between 20-23 October 2015.
In this international encounter, the topics and discussion were around the umbrella theme of “Risk in travel and tourism: Geographies, behaviours and strategies”.
Prof. Lee Miles, representing the Disaster Management Centre developed further contact and cooperation with scholars of tourism by presenting two papers at the conference. The first single authored paper was on “Integrating Crisis Management and Tourism? Key Roles for Policy Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Resilience?” that represents an area of major research development at BUDMC. This was followed by an additional paper, co-authored with colleague Richard Gordon, that explored conceptualising blame wars during and after the onset of disasters affecting the tourist sector, entitled “Blame Games and Meaning Making: Influencing Decision-Making on Disasters for Tourist Destinations”.
Dr. Lenia Marques participated in an ATLAS SIG (special interest group) meeting with a focus on events, which she has been part of since its foundation in 2011. In this meeting, she presented the first results of a joint research project with Maria Podesta, researcher at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). The paper analysed how knowledge-based events are playing a strategic role in place-making. This topic relates closely to the challenges policy-makers and the events sector are currently facing in developing relationships between urban development and social cohesion.
The papers led to fruitful discussions and the conference was also a good opportunity for networking activities.