Twenty three academics and two colleagues from an SME came together in a work shop organised by Professor Hongnian Yu, Professor Tamas Hickish and Dr Carol Clark. The aim of the workshop was for colleagues to share their knowledge, expertise and experiences in the field of Digital technology.
Digital technology is transforming healthcare and there is a need for interdisciplinary teams at both local, national and international levels to collaborate in order to realise potential. At Bournemouth University leadership in digital healthcare technology is diluted by multiple groupings and departments associated with this strength. Therefore the aims of the workshop were to create a roadmap of research to integrate BU expertise and capacity. The aim was to capture envisioned future research requirements and act as a foundation for future research proposal development. Additionally, the workshop was to establish connections between the participating researchers and scope possible future research collaborations.
Thank you to Jason and Jayne for their help in getting this off the ground.
If anyone is interested in collaborating please contact:
Prof Hongnian Yu; Prof Janet Dickinson Dr Shuang Cang Dr Carol Clark