Dr. Miguel Moital, from the Department of Events & Leisure, co-authored a paper presented with Marta Retamosa and Dr. Angel Millan from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), which was presented at the Higher Education marketing colloquium which took place at the EBC on the 27th April. The Colloquium was organised as part of the Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group in Marketing in Higher Education at Bournemouth University and attracted over 50 participants mainly from the UK but also from overseas.
The paper entitled “Satisfaction with public universities across business, nursing and engineering degrees: a customer based brand equity perspective” is based on a sample of over 1000 students from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Dr. Millan and Marta will continue to work on this paper with Miguel and initiate others with Dr. Chris Chapleo during their research stay in Bournemouth this Summer.