CPD Forum Conference 2016


CPD Forum Conference 2016: Strategies for growing your university’s CPD offerings

Date: 29 September 2016
Location: Imperial College London SW7 2AZ
Time: 09:30am -04:30pm

This year’s conference, hosted by Imperial College London and supported by Knowledge London, will look at different ways of expanding CPD offerings in HEIs, for example through online learning, corporate/industry engagement and international customised programmes.  Keynotes speakers from Imperial College London and Oxford University will present and share with participants their successful experience in growing their university’s CPD offerings in executive education and online learning respectively.

Parallel themed afternoon workshops will provide an opportunity for participants to engage in interactive small group discussions to share best practices.

Click here for more information including the agenda.

(Subscription to Knowledge London is paid for meaning event attendance is at no cost. You will just need to fund your travel expenses.)