Dr Debbie Holley and David Biggins presented a paper, co-authored with Dr Marketa Zezulkova and George Evangelinos, at the 3rd EAI International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training (eLEOT) in Dublin between 31st August and 2nd September 2016. The paper was entitled Digital Competence and Capability Frameworks in the Context of Learning, Self-Development and HE Pedagogy. The paper was possible through funding granted by the REF Committee as part of Unit of Assessment 25 (Education).
The paper was awarded the conference’s Best Paper Award.

The paper explores and compares the EU digital competence framework with the digital capabilities framework introduced within the UK higher and further education context in 2009 and updated in 2015. The similarities and differences between the frameworks were explored. Similarities include the focus on data in the context of privacy and overall literacy, as well as the inclusion in the latest release of both models of wellbeing into the key areas. The main difference between the digital competence and capabilities frameworks is in the former’s neglect of life-long learning and self-development. The paper concludes by arguing for a human-centered approach to digital competence and capability frameworks, in which learning, self-development and wellbeing should play a vital role.
BU’s TEL Toolkit was used as a case study example of how the frameworks can be used to underpin and inform physical implementations of digital solutions that benefit staff and students. The team’s presentation at the conference acknowledged the creation of the Toolkit was a collaborative project for BU involving LLS, IT and academic staff. The TEL Toolkit contains help, support and information to allow academic staff to use technology to develop their teaching, promote learning and enhance the student experience. Since its launch in February 2016 it has been accessed 2,409 times, with 40% of the traffic coming from outside BU. To access the TEL toolkit please click here.
The team were very pleased to receive this prestigious award. Their research into frameworks and how TEL can be used to support teaching and learning is continuing.

For further information about the papers delivered at eLEOT 2016, the twitter feed is #eleot2016.
If you would like more information on using TEL in your teaching, please contact David Biggins, TEL Theme Leader.