November / December see the publication of several books authored / edited by CEMP researchers.
Doing Text: Media After the Subject (Julian McDougall, Auteur / Columbia University Press – with Pete Bennett)
Teaching and Learning on Screen: Mediated Pedagogies (Mark Readman, Palgrave MacMillan)
Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth: Hard Times Today (Julian McDougall, Routledge – with Pete Bennett)
Also forthcoming this academic year –
Digital Media, Culture and Education: Theorising Third Space Literacies (Julian McDougall, Palgrave MacMillan, with John Potter)
The Routledge International Handbook of Media Literacy Education (Julian McDougall, Routledge, with Belinha de Abreu, Alice Lee, Paul Mihaildis and Jad Melki)
Doing Theory on Education: Using Popular Culture to Explore Key Debates (Julian McDougall, Routledge, with Andy Cramp).