We have a series of externally-facilitated REF outputs workshops scheduled to take place in early 2018 as part of the RKE Development Framework. Each session is led by REF 2014 sub-panel member who will explain how the panel interpreted and applied the REF 2014 guidance when assessing the quality of outputs. The workshops are open to all academic staff to attend.
The expected learning outcomes from the workshops are for attendees to:
- Gain insight into how the REF panels applied the REF criteria when considering the significance, rigour and originality of outputs;
- Understand the differences between outputs scored 4*, 3*, 2*, 1* and Unclassified;
- Gain insight into what is meant by ‘world leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’;
- Understand how scores borderline cases were agreed and what the tipping points were to either break the ceiling into the higher star level or to hold an output back a star level;
- Understand how panels used other information such as metrics, markers of journal quality or prior knowledge in output assessment;
- Gain insight into how future outputs could be strengthened for REF2021.
We’ve got dates for half of the UOAs so far:
- UOA 2/3 – Prof Dame Jill Macleod Clark – date tbc (likely to be mid to late February 2018)
- UOA 4 – Prof Marion Hetherington – 10 January 2018
- UOA 11 – Prof Iain Stewart – 29 January 2018
- UOA 12 – Prof Chris Chatwin – 8 January 2018
- UOA 14 – Prof Jon Sadler – date tbc
- UOA 15 – Prof Graeme Barker – date tbc
- UOA 17 – Prof Terry Williams – 17 January 2018
- UOA 18 – tbc
- UOA 20/21 – Prof Imogen Taylor – 15 January 2018
- UOA 23 – Prof Jane Seale – 26 January 2018
- UOA 24 – tbc
- UOA 27 – Prof Pat Waugh – 16 January 2018
- UOA 32 – Prof Stephen Partridge – date tbc
- UOA 36 – Prof Peter Lunt – date tbc
Bookings for these can be made via the Staff Intranet: https://staffintranet.bournemouth.ac.uk/workingatbu/staffdevelopmentandengagement/fusiondevelopment/fusionprogrammesandevents/rkedevelopmentframework/researchexcellenceframework/