Researchers from across Bournemouth University (BU) hosted the ‘Science Playground’ event on 16th July as part of this year’s Festival of Learning. The aim of the event was to showcase the diversity of research happening across BU, with fun activities for children (and adults) to start conversations about the different research projects.

This included simulation activities and virtual reality experiences putting people into the shoes of a person with dementia, as Dr Michelle Heward from the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre showcased the Dementia Education And Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS 2) programme which has been developed for Health Education England.

Hunting for jelly ‘lamprey’ worms in plastic mud as Dr Miguel Baltazar Soares from the Faculty of Science and Technology discussed his sea lamprey monitoring campaign in the River Frome.

Whilst, Dr Huiwen Zhao from the Faculty of Media and Communications used arts and crafts to get feedback on her mass customization website design research.
Thanks to those who took part in the event which was organised by the BU Research Staff Association (RSA). To find out more about BU RSA please come along to our next coffee morning on Wednesday 25th July at 10am in F105, Fusion Building, Talbot Campus.
BU Research Staff Association