The NIHR’s Research Activity league Table has been released recently, showing that Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust (DHUFT) has more than doubled its recruitment over the last year, compared with the previous. Over 1,200 participants were recruited to clinical research studies, showing a 217% increase.
The article, available here includes thoughts from Dr Ciarán Newell, an Eating Disorders Consultant Nurse and a Facilitator of Research and Development for Dorset HealthCare and Dr Jonathan Sheffield OBE, Chief Executive Officer of the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN). As a research Sponsor, we work closely with DHUFT and our colleagues at the Wessex CRN, and hope to contribute even further to the fantastic recruitment taking place throughout the country.
As always, if you’re interesting in running your own research in the NHS, get in touch with Research Ethics.