Intention to Bid Form & Annexures for Quality Approval

As part of the internal approval process for external funding applications, it was agreed by all Faculties (and subsequently recorded in the BU Financial Regulations) that the following is mandatory:

  1. An Intention to Bid Form must be lodged with RKEO; and
  2. When emailed to RKEO, the PI must cc. his/her Head of Research/ Department with the ITB Form.

To help streamline processes and procedures, all Faculties will make use of this Intention to Bid Form, alongside a faculty specific AQA Annexure document to indicate the chosen Quality Approval method (please ask your Funding Development Officers for your Faculty AQA Annexure or for more information about this process).

RKEO’s Funding Development Team is available to provide pre-award support and their contact details can be found on the Research Blog. Should you have any difficulty in accessing the documents on the Staff Intranet, please request them from us and we will send you a copy.