BU research students were well represented at the recent 4th International Conference for Marketing Insurance (ICMI) held at Bournemouth University which provided an excellent opportunity to showcase their work in insurance and marketing.

4th ICMI delegates
Doctoral student Emmanuella Ejime (FoM) presented her work on psychological distance and motor insurance; and Freyja Van Den Boom (FMC) delivered her paper on the legal aspects of personal data and consumer insurance.
Three papers were also presented by practitioners who have taken the part-time Masters in Professional Development (Loss Adjusting) at BU. The first paper from John Hall examined the changing role of the loss adjuster in household claims; the second paper from George Macharia investigated insurance claims fraud in Kenya and Uganda; and the final paper was presented by Alice Edwards which looked at success in complex claims.
The ICMI serves as the primary platform to promote research in the field of insurance marketing. Further details on the conference and the Association for Insurance Marketing can be found here, or alternatively contact the 2018 conference chair, Julie Robson (jrobson@bournemouth.ac.uk).
The 5th International Conference for Marketing Insurance (ICMI) will be held in October 2019 at IPAG Paris, France.