The ItB form is a mandatory document for completion by all BU staff as part of the internal approvals process for external RKE (Research and Knowledge Exchange) funding applications.
In line with the BU2025 Strategic Plan and the latest development from the RKE development framework initiatives, the ItB form has recently gone through some additions and modifications in order to incorporate these.
Please see below details of the changes:
1. Prestigious Research Funders PDRA and PGR Studentship scheme

The BU Prestigious Research Funders PDRA and PGR Studentship scheme provides internal investment for additional research staff/students on applications for external research funding from a list of prestigious funders. The scheme was first introduced in 2017, with a recent revision conducted in October 2018. The scheme guidance can be found here. If you are eligible, you can make use of this section on the ItB form to indicate if you wish to utilise this scheme.
2. External Application Reviewers

As part of the RKE Development Framework, academics now have the opportunity to engage with external application reviewers or external trainers with the aim to enhance research funding applications prior to submission. The scheme was first introduced in 2017, with a recent revision conducted in October 2018. The scheme guidance can be found here. If you are eligible, you can make use of this section on the ItB form to indicate if you wish to utilise this scheme. Your request will then be forwarded to the relevant Research Facilitator for consideration and action.
3. BU2025 Strategic Plan

In order to track BU’s progress and development against the BU2025 Strategic Plan, three new sub-sections have now been added to the ItB form so that we can efficiently capture and record information on research projects that meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals; research projects with strong elements of Social Science and/or Humanities; and research projects that align with the BU2025 Strategic Investment Areas.
The newly revised Intention to Bid form can be found here. The ItB form is a mandatory step as part of the internal approvals process for external funding applications and it is important for all sections to be completed when this is returned to your Funding Development Officer.
If you have further queries on how to complete the form or if you need help with completing the form, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Funding Development Officers.