NEW: STFC delivery plan 2019

Today sees the launch of the Science and Technology Facility Council’s delivery plan for 2019.

STFC supports research in particle physics, astronomy, nuclear physics, and space science, most of which is undertaken as part of international collaborations. They also plan, design, construct and operate world-class multidisciplinary facilities used by academic and industrial researchers across the remit of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Their national facilities (the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, the Central Laser Facility and Diamond Light Source) are the powerful ‘microscopes’ of the 21st century, imaging matter at the atomic scale. They also drive innovation, leading to the creation of new businesses, supporting the delivery of the UK’s Industrial Strategy and generating wider social and cultural impacts. Their national research and innovation campuses at Harwell and Sci-Tech Daresbury bring together world-leading facilities, academia and business, providing a coherent focus for this activity.