The BU Open Access Publication Fund policy and procedure has recently been reviewed and revised to reflect changes to this year’s budget. The newly revised policy and checklist can be found here.
BU now also benefit from various Open Access agreements through JISC deals including with publishers like Wiley, Sage and Springer. Please see the links below for more information about the agreement and eligible journal titles:
SAGE – https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/open-access-agreements-at-sage/united-kingdom
Springer Compact – https://www.springer.com/gp/open-access/springer-open-choice/springer-compact/for-uk-authors-intro/731990
Please do check out the various open access deals that BU have with these publishers to make full use of these deals.
For more information, please contact OpenAccess@bournemouth.ac.uk.