Would you like to be involved in research that uses new, exciting digital health technologies?
If this sounds appealing, then we would like to invite you to become a participant in our research, which is organised in conjunction with Xim Ltd. developers of the Lifelight app.
You will be asked to attend Bournemouth Gateway Building on 1 occasion for 30 minutes and receive a £5 lunch voucher to be used at any BU catering outlet. If you don’t know your blood pressure we will require another 5 minute session for pre-screening, but if you work in one of our BU buildings we may be able to come to you for the pre-screening.
Please see the attached research poster for more details. If you would like to know more, then snap the QR code to read the full participant information sheet or contact Malika Felton
(mfelton@bournemouth.ac.uk) to be emailed a copy. Should you wish to take part, then please contact the research team expressing your interest.