The AHRC funded BRAID project, Shared-Posthuman Imagination: Human-AI Collaboration in Media Creation was honoured to share their research findings and proposed legal & policy interventions on Generative AI in the Media Industry at the UK House of Lords in an event organised by Policy Connect and Bournemouth University.
The round table event included participants from the House of Lords, Digital Catapult, BBC, The Law Society, Alan Turing Institute, PRS, UK-Music, The Writers Guild, Equity, Industry and Academia amongst others.
The session featured an insightful discussion on the research project and its findings, particularly regarding the need for education on responsible use of Generative AI, and its impact on issues of intellectual property, labour, and accessibility. Members of Bournemouth University also gave a presentation in which they outlined some outcomes from the research project including a range of potential policy interventions, a summary of which is outlined below.
This scoping research was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and BRAID UK Bridging Responsible AI Divides.
The interdisciplinary research team was Szilvia Ruszev, Maxine Gee, Melanie Stockton-Brown, Tom Davis, Xiaosong Yang, Selin Gurgun, Liam Rogers, Boyuan Cheng, James Slaymaker and Stephanie Prajitna
As well as international research partners Catherine Griffiths and Kejun Zhang.
Members of the research group are also members of Emerge Research Group.