Three tips for completing your Innovation Fund HEIF application

The guidance for the Innovation Funding Call for the HEIF drew your attention to ethics, here are three tips if you haven’t considered it yet: there are a few things you will need to check before you submit:

  1. Work through the university’s ethics checklist. This is an important part of your application, and if you needed a formal ethics review, this should have already been completed. If you submit your application without a good understanding of the ethical implications of your project, the Panel will score your project lower, so it may make the difference between your project being recognised as excellent and fundable, or not. Double check that you are ok to submit by checking the checklist: How to apply for a formal ethics review | Bournemouth University
  2. Complete the e-module on research ethics. To help you understand the ethical implications of your project, you can complete the e-module on research ethics if you haven’t already:
    Research ethics training opportunities | Bournemouth University. Even if you feel you have a good understanding of ethics in your research, you may find that if you are working with methods/populations/approaches that are cross-disciplinary (or outside of your usual field) that there are ethical angles you may not be aware of. This has been the case with some previous HEIF applications, so don’t discount it. If you don’t know where to go to get guidance, look across the BU faculties for expertise, including the PEIR (Public Engagement in Research) academics, or other specialists in the field you are working with. If you have contacted someone for advice, let us know in your application. It will show that you are taking the research ethics of your project seriously, and we will see the result of this in your project proposal.
  3. Make sure you give yourself time to do the Research Commercialisation Checklist. It is a requirement of the funding call that you do this, and if as a result you need to contact the Research Commercialisation Manager (Lesley Hutchins) you will urgently need to make time to schedule a conversation. Let us know in your application if you have contacted Lesley, so that we can see you understand the issues and requirements surrounding your commercialisation project – it will mean that the Innovation Funding Panel will be able to see the viability of your project within BU’s legal and process requirements, which will result in a better score for appropriate projects.

    Although the Innovation Fund is for knowledge exchange projects – which means you are working with non-HEI external partners, for example industry/businesses, charities, NGOs etc – your knowledge exchange activity is grounded in your research and must meet the universities ethical requirements to be successful. Please do not submit purely research projects without suitable knowledge exchange partners.

    Good luck with submitting your application tomorrow, please do get in contact if you have any questions. Dr Wendelin Morrison – Knowledge Exchange Manager