At Café Scientifique, you can explore the latest ideas in science and technology in a relaxed setting. Enjoy listening to a short talk before engaging in debate and discussion with our guest speaker and audience.
We’ll be joined by Dr Tara Zaksaite on Tuesday 7 March from 6:30 – 8:00pm
Emotion and its effects on spatial memory
Spatial memory is our ability to remember where things are, for example remembering where you put down your keys, or where you met a friend. Interestingly, our spatial memory is stronger when we have an emotional connection to a place or object.
But do we better remember things with positive associations or negative? And can we turn this around and use the power of emotions to improve our spatial memory?
Join Dr Tara Zaksaite, a cognitive psychologist and a lecturer in psychology at Bournemouth University, to discover how your spatial memory works and to ask your questions.
This event will be held at The Black Cherry in Boscombe, Bournemouth. Although the talk starts at 6:30pm, the café will be open early, so we encourage you to arrive early for a drink and a bite to eat before the talk starts.
Attendance is free but booking is required