The British Council have announced that the latest calls available under the Newton Fund are now open:
- Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop Grants – the workshops are for early career researchers but the applicants must be leading/established researchers. Bilateral workshops can be proposed between the UK and Brazil, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
- Newton Fund Researcher Links Travel Grants – These are for early career researchers (awarded their PhD not more than 10 years prior to applying) to either visit Thailand or for those residing in Thailand to visit the UK. A visit can be 1-6 months but must take place between 1/2/18 and 31/1/19.
- Newton Fund Institutional Links Grants – Applications can be submitted for collaborations between the UK and Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines and Thailand.
The submission deadline for all the above calls is 16:00 UK time on 13 June 2017.
If you are interested in applying to any of these calls then please contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer in the first instance.

The British Council also provide information on a number of national and international workshops that you can participate in. If you are an early career researcher you can apply through the British Council for funding to the international workshops. Current workshops on offer are:
- Energy conservation techniques for buildings (Coventry);
- Widening success in HE (South Africa);
- Promoting and responding to maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (South Africa);
- Offshore wind and wave energy for Turkey (Turkey);
- Is poverty a by-product or a building block for prosperity – trends in economic development from Brazil and the UK (Brazil);
- Information and communications technologies in homes and cities for the health and well-being of older people (Bradford)
- Geological disaster monitoring based on sensor networks (China);
- Socially inclusive WM&RE in supply chains (Brazil): and
- Re-naturing cities: Theories, strategies and methodologies (Brazil).