Dr. Miguel Moital delivers academic writing workshop in Portugal

Dr. Miguel Moital, Principal Academic in the Department of Events & Leisure, delivered a workshop on academic writing to Masters students from the Estoril Higher Institute for Hotel and Tourism Studies (ESHTE), the leading Hotel and Tourism School in Portugal.

Academic writing tends to follow different standards in countries like Portugal and Miguel was invited to share best practice in academic research and writing to 20+ students who are currently starting their dissertation.

Among other topics, the lively four-hour workshop discussed the 6’C’s of academic writing excellence, the three pillars of research (Process, Content and Context), theoretical underpinning (models and frameworks) and writing strong arguments.

ESHTE is Miguel’s ‘second home’ as he holds a degree in Tourism Management from the school (he was part of the first cohort of students) and worked there for 10 years before joining BU.

Miguel is the author of the e-book “Writing Dissertations & Theses: What you should know but no one tells you”, where he shares valuable practical information about the process of writing academic work, notably dissertations. The book starts with explaining the six criteria, expressed in the form of 6 ‘C’s, required to produce high quality dissertations: Confined, Corroborated, Critical, Coherent, Concise and Captivating. The e-book then goes on to share a range of ‘tips and tools’ which contribute to fulfilling the 6 Cs.

BU academics can obtain a free inspection copy of the ebook by sending an email to Miguel (mmoital@bournemouth.ac.uk)

Miguel visited ESHTE in addition to work carried out in Porto as external international examiner for the Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education – A3ES.