Marie Curie Infoday & Proposal Writing Events – Registration Open!

Registration is now open for the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships and Career Integration Grants General Information and Proposal Writing event, organised by the Marie Curie UK National Contact Point. There will be three separate events, each with the same format, which will take place at the following locations:

  • University College London, 10 May 2012;
  • University of Glasgow, 11 May 2012; and 
  • University of Bristol, 23 May 2012.

The aim of the session is to provide participants with an overview of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (Intra-European (IEF), International Outgoing (IOF), and International Incoming (IIF)) and the Career Integration Grants (CIG). These sessions will also provide those wishing to submit an application with a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues they are required to address in planning and writing their proposal.
The session will include a presentation on the schemes, highlighting changes that have occurred since the 2011 call. It is also hoped that the session will provide a forum for discussion, and to answer questions that applicants may have relating to these schemes and preparing a proposal.
These sessions will last for half a day and are free (you will need to cover your own expenses and travel). Each session will provide an outline of the Marie Curie Actions, specific details on the fellowships and grants action and the application form and guidance on planning and writing your Marie Curie proposal. There will be the opportunity to ask questions throughout the sessions.

To register, please fill in the online registration form available from the Marie Curie NCP website. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis so register quickly!!!