Category / Training

#Vitaechat 19 October, 12-1pm – ‘What every researcher needs to know’

Focus-on: Getting started – ‘What every researcher needs to know’

Join the #vitaechat on Thursday 19 October from 12 until 1pm and find out more about:

  • what first steps should be taken when undertaking your PhD or starting a new postdoc role
  • managing supervisor/PI relationships
  • planning your research project
  • identifying your typical milestones
  • prioritising your development opportunities
  • when best to start thinking about your post-PhD career

This is a good opportunity to gain essential tips and understand what to expect next from experts who have been on a similar journey.  What’s even better is that you don’t even have to leave your desk!

Register here.

Vitae Mentoring for Researcher Developers Pilot

Call for mentors and mentees

Do you want to enhance the career and professional development of researcher developers? Would you like to be a mentor for other researcher developers? If so, please sign up below.

Or perhaps you have identified areas you wish to develop to take your career one step further? Are you spending all your time developing others and not thinking about your own career and development needs? If so, why not sign up to be a mentee?

If you wish to be either a mentor or a mentee in Vitae’s Mentoring for Researcher Developers pilot please fill in your details by going to our sign up form:  

Purpose of the scheme:

  • To enable researcher developers, or those with a role in developing researchers, to enhance continuing professional development opportunities, consider their careers in a broader context or focus on particular areas they would like to develop further. 

Benefits for mentors, mentees, the organisation and the sector

  • Mentors can share their expertise and experience with mentees to help in reviewing their individual competency levels using CFRD
  • Mentors can help mentees in identifying and working on areas for development
  • Increasing mentor and mentee organisation’s capacity to provide researcher development
  • Enhancing the quality of researcher development provision
  • Improving professionalism in researcher development
  • Broadening mentor and mentee networks
  • Informing individuals, organisations and the sector of training needs of researcher developers

The pilot mentoring programme will run for approximately 12 months and although it officially started in mid June 2017, the call is still active.  You would be expected to be in contact for approximately 6-12 hours during the duration of the programme – times to be agreed with the pairing once a match is made.

If you have any queries about the pilot please contact Jen Reynolds at:

REF & TEF: the connections – 11th October 2017

The outcomes of this year’s Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and the direction for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) as set out in the 2017 consultation response are likely to have significant implications for the higher education sector.  The links between research and teaching are likely to become ever more important, but set against the context of increasing emphasis on student experience, how should the sector respond and where should it focus?

REF & TEF: the connections will be hosted at Bournemouth University and will bring together some of the leading experts in higher education in both research and teaching policy.  During the morning, attendees will have the opportunity hear from experts from across the higher education sector, as they share their insights into the importance of the links between teaching and research.  The afternoon will feature a number of case studies with speakers from universities with a particularly good record of linking research and  teaching.

Speakers confirmed to date include Kim Hackett, REF Manager and Head of Research Assessment, HEFCE and John Vinney Bournemouth University, William Locke University College London, Professor Sally Brown Higher Education Academy.

For more information or to book on visit:

British Council Research Links Workshops

As well as the opportunities to apply for funding from the Researcher Links Programme, there is also the possibility of attending the workshops that are supported by this funding.

Current opportunities are:

Enhancing regional water security in semi-arid regions through improved metropolitan design

  • Date of workshop: 14–17 November 2017
  • Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Application deadline: 18 August 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here.   

Developing an agenda for Fintech research in emerging economies

  • Date of workshop: 31 October-2 November 2017
  • Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Application deadline: 20 August 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here .

Role of small holder agroforestry systems in the arid and semi-arid region in combating climate change

  • Date of workshop: 18-21 December 2017
  • Location: Kisumu, Kenya
  • Application deadline: 30 August 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here

India-UK Workshop on Thermoelectric Materials for Waste-Heat Harvesting

  • Date of workshop: 8-10 January 2018
  • Location: Bangalore, India
  • Application deadline: 1 September 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here.

Workshop on Increasing Climate Resilience of Urban Infrastructure 

  • Date of workshop: 15-17 January 2018
  • Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Application deadline: 14 September 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here

India-UK Workshop on Working at the Chemistry Microbiology Interface to Develop New Antibiotics   

  • Date of workshop: 14-18 December 2017
  • Location: Bengaluru, India
  • Application deadline: 15 September 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links match-funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here .  

Phytomedical Compounds For Diabetes And Diabetes-Related Complications (DRC)

  • Date of workshop: 12-16 December 2017
  • Location: Mexico City, Mexico
  • Application deadline: 18 September 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here  

Localising strategies for making cities resilient to disasters

  • Date of workshop: 22-26 January 2018
  • Location: De La Salle University, Philippines
  • Application deadline: 30 September 2017
  • Programme: Newton Fund Researcher Links
  • Eligibility and further information can be found here  


Further workshops will be promoted by the British Council.




RKEO Academic and Researcher Induction

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) invite all ‘new to BU’ academics and researchers to an induction.

Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.This event provides an overview of all the practical information staff need to begin developing their research plans at BU, using both internal and external networks; to develop and disseminate research outcomes; and maximising the available funding opportunities.


  • The primary aim of this event is to raise participants’ awareness of how to get started in research at BU or, for more established staff, how to take their research to the next level
  • To provide participants with essential, practical information and orientation in key stages and processes of research and knowledge exchange at BU

Indicative content

  • An overview of research at BU and how R&KEO can help/support academic staff
  • The importance of horizon-scanning, signposting relevant internal and external funding opportunities and clarifying the applications process
  • How to grow a R&KE portfolio, including academic development schemes
  • How to develop internal and external research networks
  • Key points on research ethics and developing research outputs
  • Getting started with Knowledge Exchange and business engagement

For more information about the event, please see the following link:

The seventh induction will be held on Wednesday, 27th September 2017 on the 4th floor of Melbury House.

Title Date Time Location
Research & Knowledge Exchange Office (R&KEO) Research Induction Wednesday 27th September 2017 9.00 – 12.00 Lansdowne Campus

9.00-9.15 – Coffee/tea and cake/fruit will be available on arrival

9.15 – RKEO academic induction (with a break at 10.45)

11.25 – Organisational Development upcoming development opportunities

11.30 – Opportunity for one to one interaction with RKEO staff

12.00 – Close

There will also be literature and information packs available.

If you would like to attend the induction then please book your place through Organisational Development and you can also visit their pages here. We will directly contact those who have started at BU in the last five months.

We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you.



How to be a Productivity Ninja™

The ThinkProductive Team will be visiting BU next Wednesday to deliver a 90 minute action-packed seminar on How to be a Productivity Ninja™ . They will share with you the 9 Characteristics of the Productivity Ninja™ and help you to identify specific ways you can implement them.

If you want to learn the way of the Productivity Ninja™ then book on here!



NIHR Webinar: CRN Study Support Service – 2-3pm Tuesday 25 July 2017

The NIHR is the UK’s major funder of applied health research. The NIHR develops and supports the people who conduct and contribute to health research and equally supports the training of the next generation of health researchers. NIHR training programmes provide a unique opportunity for all professionals to improve the health of patients in their care through research.

Training and career development awards from the NIHR range from undergraduate level through to opportunities for established investigators and research leaders. They are open to a wide range of professions and designed to suit different working arrangements and career pathways and offer full support for dedicated research and clinical development.

This is a webinar for current and aspiring NIHR trainees that want to find out more about the support available from the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN). The NIHR CRN Study Support Service helps researchers and the life sciences industry plan, set up and deliver high quality research to time and target in the NHS in England.

The one hour webinar will include:

  • An explanation of who/which research is eligible to access CRN’s services
  • An overview of the support available from the NIHR CRN
  • Guidance on when and how to get in touch – and the importance of early engagement
  • Real examples of how NIHR trainees and other researchers have used the services
  • A live Q&A session

The webinar will be presented by Sine Littlewood, Head of Business Development & Marketing (non-commercial) at the NIHR CRN and Helen Harris-Joseph, Senior Programme Manager at the NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre.

You can register for the webinar via the following link:

If you have any issues when registering please email

FMC will be a hosting a series of researcher skills development training in June

The Faculty of Media and Communication will be welcoming Dr. John Willison from the University of Adelaide for a series of researcher development training open to all academic staff, PGR’s and colleagues in RKEO.

Dr Willison is a highly engaged and widely published academic whose expertise include the creative blending of teaching and research, researcher development and the evolution of research-oriented curricula. He is a senior lecturer in the Department of Higher Education, School of Education at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, where he coordinates the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (GCHE) for academics from all faculties. He is currently leading a major initiative funded by the Office for Learning and Teaching considering Research Skill Development (RSD) and assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees across disciplines from all faculties.

Dr Willison’s principal research interest centres on the ways that academics conceptualise and implement the development of their students’ research skills in content-rich courses. He examines the close conceptual connection between the skills associated with research in a discipline, and the skills required and developed in problem-solving, critical thinking, clinical reasoning and Work Integrated Learning. His research with graduates from various disciplinary contexts is pointing to the value graduates place on research skills once they are employed.

Click here for further details and a range of resources.

FMC have scheduled a series of tailored training events. The faculty are keen to hear the discussion and share new thinking widely across BU.

All events will take place in the Fusion Building, Talbot Campus – Room F201

The sessions are outlined below:

Thursday 29th June

Session 1: 10.00-12.00: Research Skill Development First Year to PhD

This workshop will be of interest to all academics at BU. It provides an introduction to the Research Skills Development (RSD) framework, which provides a systematic approach to the scaffolding of research into learning for students at all levels. The session will also look at how RSD can be integrated into and complement the Research Development Framework developed by Vitae, which is currently used at BU for PGT and PGR training

Session 2: 14.00 – 16.00 Enabling Research Skill Development for Higher Degree Researchers and Early Career Academics

This workshop will be of primary interest to Deputy and Associate Deans, Heads of Department, Heads of Research, Research Centre Directors, and colleagues in RKEO, amongst others who have a role in the support of postgraduate students and early career academics. It examines how the Research Skill Development (RSD) framework can be used to assist PGR students and ECRs to achieve successful outcomes at these most crucial stages in their academic careers.

Friday 30th June

Session 3: 10.00-12.00: Models for Engaged Learning and Teaching (MELT): MELT your students’ minds

This workshop will be of interest to all academics at BU. It provides an introduction to the Research Skills Development (RSD) framework, which provides a systematic approach to the scaffolding of research into learning for student at all levels. Its main focus is on the adaptation of the RSD framework to meet the particular needs of different disciplines. It will demonstrate how this adaptation can be carried out to enhance the student experience in different disciplines without losing the core strengths and consistency that the framework provides for scaffolding student learning.

Session 4: 14.00 – 16.00 Engaging teachers to enable dynamic student learning

This workshop will be of primary interest to Deputy and Associate Deans, Heads of Department, Heads of Education, Programme Leaders, and colleagues in CEL, amongst others, who have a role in the support of curriculum design, the enhancement of the student learning experience, and the conduct of research into university education. It examines how the Research Skill Development (RSD) framework can be used to scaffold learning and assessment design across curricula at all course levels. It will use data from a series of large-scale research projects that provide a critical analysis of the use of RSD in a wide range of disciplines.

Workshop: Building resilience in Research and Knowledge Exchange – June 15th 2017

Professor Heather Hartwell will be delivering a workshop on June 15th, 2017,  that will help participants gain insight into how it is possible to build resilience in the area of Research and Knowledge Exchange. This session will explore how it may be possible to build resilience in the area of research and knowledge exchange, where rejection for funding and from publishers is common. The speaker will offer their views of how resilience can be built and how to overcome obstacles.

There will be the opportunity for discussion around the topic. For those interested in booking onto the course, please follow the link here. If you would like further information about the workshop, please contact Ehren Milner (

Standing up for Science workshop in June

sense about science logo

Calling all early career researchers- Sense about Science will be running a Standing up for Science media workshop this June.

The workshop will take place on Friday 30 June at the University of Warwick. This free to attend event is a great opportunity for early career researchers and scientists to learn how to make their voices heard in public debates about science.

Attendees will hear from scientists who have engaged with the media, learn from these distinguished scientists about how the media works, how to comment and what journalists expect from scientists. This is a free event and is open to all early career researchers and scientists- PhD students, post-docs or equivalent- in all sciences, engineering and medicine.

The deadline for applications is 14 June. You can find out more information here.

The previous workshop was held in Manchester in April. You can find out what attendees Jade and James thought of the workshop and view photos here.

If  you have any questions please email Joanne from Sense about Science.

Delivering DEALTS 2!





Health Education England  (HEE) has commissioned Bournemouth University to deliver a new ‘‘Train the Trainers’ enhanced education programme called ‘Dementia Education and Learning Through Simulation’  2 (DEALTS 2). This builds on previous work undertaken in 2013/14 by HEE to ensure healthcare professionals understand and can deliver key competencies according to the Dementia Core Skills Education and Training Framework at TIER 2 (Skills for Health and Health Education England, 2015).

Prof Jane Murphy, Dr Michele Board, Dr Michelle Heward and Ashley Spriggs from the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) delivered the first pilot session in Oxford on 10th May 2017.  This interactive day was really well received and included attendance by Jan Zietara, Head of Operational Delivery, HEE; Jacqueline Fairburn-Platt, Associate Dean Quality Improvement, HEE Thames Valley as well as Dementia and Quality Improvement Leads.   Over the next 2 months another 12 sessions will be delivered to trainers across the HEE regions in England. The delivery of the programme will be evaluated as well as the roll-out across England by the trainers themselves to staff to understand the impact the education is having on practice for the delivery of dementia care.  In June the early evaluation work will be supported with the help of a Student Research Assistant, Laurie Emerson.  Laurie is currently a final year psychology student in Faculty Sci Tech.

Alternative Career Pathways after your PhD – 8 June

Live online event on the 8th June 2017

The academic jobs market is becoming more challenging and competitive post-PhD. With the number of PhD holders increasing, there is enormous pressure on the academic job market and declining academic job prospects for doctoral graduates.

What can I do after my PhD? It is a difficult decision for any PhD student on whether to pursue a career in academia, or consider alternative careers. In our dedicated live Q&A we are bringing forth a panel of experts who have moved outside of academia, to share their top tips and advice on alternate career pathways following PhD studies.

To help all those who are considering options after doctoral studies, is holding a FREE 60-minute live video event via a live YouTube Q&A called ‘Alternative Career Pathways After Your PhD’. Find out more and register today.

More details are at: