I’m looking for participants to interview for a pilot study I’m undertaking as part of my Ed D. As an academic with an ADHD diagnosis, my research explores the lived experiences of university faculty who have the disorder and how it impacts their professional lives.
My work aims to:
- Create a more comprehensive portrait of the challenges that academics with ADHD encounter on the job
- Highlight and promote strengths and abilities academics with ADHD bring to the HE workplace
- Illuminate how the HE work environment can be made more open, accepting and accessible for academics with the disorder.
Eligibility criteria:
- You are academic Grade 7 or above
- In possession of an ADHD diagnosis (any subtype)
- First two weeks of June 2024
- Offline in a venue affording the level of privacy you require, or online if preferred
If interested in participating and/or finding out more, please contact:
Hilary Stepien (Senior Lecturer in FMC) at hstepien@bournemouth.ac.uk