Firstly, we would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to all of the researchers who took the time to submit their abstracts for next month’s Second Annual FMC Postgraduate Researcher conference. The conference committee was particularly delighted to see the exceptional quality and diversity in submissions this year, and only further underlines the level of research being undertaken here in the Faculty of Media and Communication. We will respond to all applicants by Friday 9th November (today).
Conference Keynote Speaker – Dr Sam Goodman
In addition to this year’s fantastic collection of papers, we would like to say a massive thank ‘brew’ and warm welcome to our own Dr Sam Goodman, Senior Lecturer in English & Communication here in the Faculty, who will be delivering the keynote to close our conference:
Critical Drinking: Approaches to Interdisciplinary research practice through British Beer Culture (details below)
In addition to Sam’s talk, there will be a complimentary optional beer tasting, comprising of three tasters of modern British Beers that have been chosen to pair thematically with the subjects under discussion. So come along and ease the ‘ale-ments’ of researching with this fantastic closing event.
Although the tasting is free of charge to all FMC staff and postgraduates, we would kindly ask you to register as early possible, as places are limited, and it would be ‘un-beer-able’ if you were to miss out!
Registration is now open to all FMC staff and postgraduates, and can be accessed via the Conference’s Event Bright Page here:
Through this link you will find registration for both the conference and the additional optional beer tasting. All of our conference speakers are required to register, so if your abstract is successful we still ask you to register (link above). If you have any questions or queries regarding registration or the tasting please do not hesitate to email Alex:
With a larger and more diverse line-up of papers, talks, and events than ever before, we can’t wait to see all of you at this year’s Second Annual FMC Postgraduate Researcher conference on the 5th December.
The Conference Team
Alexandra P. Alberda
Graphic Medicine and Curatorial Practice
T: @ZandraAlberda
Stephen Allard
Socio-digital Poetics
T: @fictiondissy
Melanie Brown
Copyright Law and Cultural Heritage