Tagged / nature recovery network

Call for evidence and expertise

Does your research touch on any of the below topics?

POST (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology) has nine new POSTnotes in production. POST are welcoming contributions from experts within the below fields.

 To produce POSTnotes, advisers and fellows talk to a variety of stakeholders from industry, government, academia, and the third sector. These experts help POST identify important themes, point the report authors in the direction of critical literature, and even help POST peer-review the final reports.

On each of the links above there is a contact for the topic. Do get in touch with them to share your research and expertise.

Why should I engage? The POSTnote is POST’s flagship report. It is an impartial, evidenced four-page briefing reviewing emerging areas of research. There are different ways to contribute to a POSTnote as an expert. Researchers can get involved by contributing with literature, with expertise, or as a peer-reviewer. Find out more about why to engage with Parliament hereAnd find more on engagement for impact here.

More information:  You can find the new POST work programme here. And you can read POST’s previous POSTnotes here.

Support resources: View our guidance for expert contributors.

Contact BU’s policy team for more information or support – policy@bournemouth.ac.uk