Tagged / talk

Talk: ‘The Cost of Sanctions’ by Associate Professor Anna Hillingdon – Thursday 12th October

Join us for a talk by Associate Professor Anna Hillingdon:

How Does the Presence of a Duopoly of Regional Rivalries Reduce the Cost of Sanctions for the Sender? 

‘Sanctions are costly. The sender has absolute advantages and sanctions increase their bargaining power by transferring their cost to the rival. We define this transfer as intended collateral damage.’

The talk takes place from 2-3pm on Thursday 12 October in PG22 (Poole House). The talk is open to BU staff and students.

Dr Anna Hillingdon has given numerous media interviews worldwide and has previously led projects for UNWTO and NATO on hybrid threats, presented to a Parliamentary Committee and has acted as a Washington World Bank consultant on post-conflict resilience.

If you are interested in attending, please confirm your attendance to Davide Parrilli (Professor AFE Research Lead/Seminars, BU Business School) at dparrilli@bournemouth.ac.uk.

Come to Prof Malcolm MacDonald’s talk: Six steps to develop financially quantified value propositions in B2B markets

Post written by Dr Kaouther Kooli:

I am pleased to announce that Professor Malcolm MacDonald will be giving a talk to the MSc Marketing Management students on Monday 5 March 2018 in room EB306. PGR and academics are invited to attend.

You can find below a summary of the presentation and also Malcolm’s short biography.


Summary of the presentation

Six steps to develop financially quantified value propositions in B2B markets

According to McKinsey and my own research, everyone talks about value propositions, but only 5% of organisations have them and even those that do have them don’t always quantify them financially.

Any supplier who can quantify financially how they can help their customers grow their profits will always succeed, no matter how difficult the market conditions.

A lot of what constitutes value from a supplier is about helping the customer to avoid disadvantage, but, much more importantly, those suppliers who can demonstrate that they will create advantage for them will be respected and there will be fewer conversations about price.

This lecture will spell out a process for developing financially-quantified value propositions


Professor Malcolm MacDonald Short Biography

Until 2003, Malcolm was Professor of Marketing and Deputy Director of Cranfield University School of Management, with special responsibility for E-Business. He is a graduate in English Language and Literature from Oxford University, in Business Studies from Bradford University Management Centre, and has a PhD from Cranfield University.  He also has a  Doctorate from Bradford University and from the Plekhanov University of Economics in Moscow.  He has extensive industrial experience, including a number of years as Marketing and Sales Director of Canada Dry. Until the end of 2012, he spent seven years as Chairman of Brand Finance plc. He spends much of his time working with the operating boards of the world’s biggest multinational companies, such as IBM, Xerox, BP and the like, in most countries in the world, including Japan, USA, Europe, South America, ASEAN and Australasia. He has written forty six books, including the best seller “Marketing Plans; how to prepare them; how to use them”, which has sold over half a million copies worldwide. Hundreds of his papers have been published. Apart from market segmentation, his current interests centre around the measurement of the financial impact of marketing expenditure and global best practice key account management. He is an Emeritus Professor at Cranfield and a Visiting Professor at Henley, Warwick, Aston and Bradford Business Schools. In 2006 he was listed in the UK’s Top Ten Business Consultants by the Times.