Prof. Debbie Holley from HSS and Dr. Ann Luce from FMC, recently visited the University of Salento, Italy on an Erasmus exchange. They delivered interactive and creative learning workshops to Masters students in Psychology, Sociology and Statistics as part of the Department of History, Society and Human Studies exchange programme.
The subject for the session was to model methodologies for drawing out sensitive narratives as a possible interview method. The workshop focused on building with bricks, and invited the students to consider and reflect how they would use this in their own work.
Drawing on the appreciative inquiry position, established at BU by Head of Service Excellence, Susanne Clarke and Dr. Curie Scott, programme leader for the PGCert, the students followed the stages of the model and applied it to their own writing practices. Moving on from this, Prof. Holley and Dr. Luce led the students with their professors on a journey through the technology of the future. In this session, students were encouraged to consider the influences of rapid technological change on their futures and the impact this will have on their learning. A hands-on session
was provided, with the students having the opportunity to try out firsthand the use of google cardboard and 360 degree video.
For further information on the content of the two workshops, please contact:
Prof. Debbie Holley, HSS:
Dr. Ann Luce, FMC: