The EC has published a
report of two recent workshops on Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) within Horizon 2020. The workshops were held to gather ideas and feedback on how Horizon 2020 could benefit and be accessible to the widest range of SMEs in their efforts to innovate and be competitive. The first workshop looked at which type of support SMEs need from the EU and the second on options for implementing an SME strategy which would facilitate their involvement Horizon 2020. Key messages from the workshops are below:
- Overwhelming support exists for SMEs as important players within Horizon 2020
- All innovative SMEs should be able to benefit from support at EU level
- Adequate SME involvement should be ensured through dedicated actions corresponding to SME needs (including all forms of innovation and the entire innovation cycle from idea to market)
- This innovation capacity of SMEs should be strengthened
- Strong support for a bottom-up approach of the SME specific measures exists
- Support exists for more demonstration and market replication activities and links to financial instruments which close the gap to the market
- For SME’s, simple rules and administrative procedures (e.g. open calls) and a short time-to-grant corresponding to the short innovation cycles of smaller companies should be in place
- It is important to ensure a clear delimitation and definition of EU action based on European added-value
- Proliferation and overlaps of programmes should be avoided; but cooperation and pooling of resources needs to be continued and reinforced