With only 4 weeks to go until the launch of Cafe Scientifique at Cafe Boscanova (don’t forget to put Tuesday 2 October in your diary!), we are pleased to announce that our first speaker will be Prof Jeff Bagust who will be giving a talk entitled:
“Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow – The Cardiac Foxtrot”.
This fascinating and entertaining talk will light footedly glide us through the world of heart rate rhythms, how they are influenced and why our hearts need to respond to changing conditions.
The short talk will start at 7pm, followed by plenty of time for discussion. Cafe Boscanova will be selling their usual drinks and a small snack menu.
For those of you who missed our earlier post, Cafe Scientifique at Cafe Boscanova is a new public engagement venture being run jointly by Bournemouth University and the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic. It will run on the first Tuesday of every month (starting in October) and over the next few months we will be bringing you a diverse range of speakers and subjects. All of this for the price of a coffee/glass of wine! Watch this space for more information on upcoming events.
Anyone interested in giving a talk should contact Becca Edwards for more information.