Please see the following announcement just received from EURAXESS:
Dear researchers,
As you know, the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action-Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) call was launched on the 12th April. With the collaboration of SRUK/CERU (Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK), at RUVID we have organised a webinar on Friday 6th May between 9 am and 11 am to present 12 research groups from our Valencian universities as potential host institutions for young researchers and candidates for this MSCA-IF call.
Each of the 12 researchers will give a ten minute presentation on their research group, main research area(s) and the profile of the candidate they are looking for.
These groups cover different fields: Physics, Life Sciences, Information Science & Engineering, and Social Sciences. Please see the detailed programme of the webinar – Webinar Presentation of Host Institutions inValencia_06-05-2016
This is a unique opportunity for you to find your host institution.
If you have completed your PhD or have 4 years full-time experience as a researcher, this webinar is for you.
Don’t miss it and register at:
We are also promoting this event on social media, using the following hastags: #MSCA #IF #MarieCurieFellowship
For more information, feel free to contact Joumana at