Women’s Academic Network (WAN) Symposium: Sexual Harassment in Academia

International public campaigns such as the #MeToo movement have meant sexual harassment is receiving increased global media attention. Accompanying this raised awareness is a focus on the harmful consequences of sexual misconduct for staff and students within universities and colleges. The University and College Union (UCU) reports: “Sexual harassment and abuse is overwhelmingly, although not exclusively, experienced by women and contributes to other workplace inequalities faced by female members and students.” (https://www.ucu.org.uk/sexualviolence)

Research indicates that sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and gender-based violence often go unreported (https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmwomeq/701/70110.htm). The reasons for not reporting are complex, but can include issues surrounding stigma and taboo.

On Wednesday 29 May, the Women’s Academic Network will host a symposium on the topic of sexual harassment in academia. The event will be held on Talbot campus, Fusion building. It will start at 10am with registration and coffee, and finish at 2pm. Lunch will be provided. The symposium will involve speakers presenting their research, and allow for audience discussion/dialogue.

Further details to follow. In the meantime, if you are interested in attending please contact WAN co-convenors: Dr. Lorraine Brown (LBrown@bournemouth.ac.uk) and Dr. Jayne Caudwell (jcaudwell@bournemouth.ac.uk)