The Ageing and Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) in collaboration with Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) hosted their end of research project conference on ‘Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People’ (INSCOPPe) at the Captain’s Club Hotel in Christchurch. Funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, this 2 year project aimed to understand factors that may help or hinder implementation of a new procedure for nutrition screening and embedding it as a routine aspect of care. New tools have been developed to encompass training for wider rollout across the organisation and wider adoption nationally.
At the conference, the outputs and impacts of the research were showcased for delegates and new tools were launched including training videos and new workbook launched ‘Managing malnutrition (as undernutrition) and caring for older people living in the community’. The workbook is aimed at healthcare staff working in community teams. Prof Jane Murphy, Research Project Lead/Co-Lead for the ADRC ‘ Supporting staff to have the skills and knowledge in identifying and treating malnutrition in older people living in the community is vital for organisations to meet their responsibilities for delivering excellent care.’

The speakers were:
- Dame Christine Beasley – Trustee, Burdett Trust for Nursing
- Jane Murphy, Professor of Nutrition, Co-Lead Ageing and Dementia Research Centre, Research Project Lead, Bournemouth University
- Annemarie Aburrow, Dietitian for Wessex Academic Health Science Network and Research Assistant, Bournemouth University
- Kathy Steward, Area Matron, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Kathy Wallis, Associate Director, Wessex AHSN
- Julia Lake, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Interim Divisional Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals
- Alison Smith – BDA Older People Specialist Group chair, Prescribing Support Consultant Dietitian

Thank you to everyone who attended. The conference was a real success and really helped showcase the important work that ADRC continues to do.
“It was such a great day – Thank you for having us over” – Caroline Laidlaw, Advanced Dietitian Mental Health from Sussex Partnership Trust.
The Ageing and Dementia Research Centre would like to extend a big thank you to those that contributed to the research and are grateful to The Burdett Trust for Nursing who provided generous support for the research project.
Please see website for more details about the research and how to access the tools: