Sat. 29 June 10am – 2 pm
BU Executive Business Centre 2nd floor
89 Holdenhurst Road BH8 8EB
Please share this invitation with any teens that you know!
The Project Zed Group at Bournemouth University and Space Youth Dorset are excited to learn about young people’s experiences of being the latest generation of teens and their interface with the world around them! The morning is part of a pilot for a potential larger project for teens to tell their stories on a video channel. Participants will very much be “co-creators” in this process.
We will spend the morning watching some videos about teen’s experiences and talking with teenagers about their own. We are interested in their ideas of identity, gender and sexuality and their relationships with each other. We will give them the chance to begin thinking about how their stories might contribute to a larger story on video or film.
Storyboard sketchbooks will be distributed for participants to go away and begin to plot their own ideas for a story graphically. They don’t have to be great artists, just people with great ideas!
At the end of the morning, we will provide a Bar-B-Que lunch. We will meet up again a month later so that everyone can share their ideas and storyboards together.
Places are limited to teens ages 16-19 years of age only. No exceptions!
Please ask teens to sign up here!
How AHRC-funded Film RUFUS STONE Inspired a Project on the Next Generation