The digital innovation in surgery presents a trend of precise, minimally invasive, and personalized features. This workshop aims to address the challenges by gathering, training and connecting the Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from different disciplines for better understanding of the complexity and contexts related to surgery technology and working together to develop impactful research projects, facilitated through the training from mentors and new joint research. The workshop will provide an excellent platform for both UK and Chinese ECRs to expand their research and stimulate collaboration on research and development, technology transfer and commercialization between UK and China.
Under the Researcher Links scheme (offered within the Newton Fund), Beihang University will be holding the workshop on the above theme in Liaoning Hotel Beijing on 16-18 October 2019. The workshop is being coordinated by Dr. Xiaosong Yang and Prof. Junjun Pan, and will have contributions from other leading researchers. We are now inviting ECRs from the UK or China to apply to attend this workshop. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Newton Fund Researcher Links programme. The application form, with more details on the initiative, can be found at and should be sent to by an email titled “Researcher Links Workshop” before the deadline of 15 July 2019.