Bournemouth University (Principal investigator- Janet Scammell) and Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (RBCH) recently collaborated on a Burdett Trust for Nursing funded research project (Making TRACS to improve nurse retention) on improving nurse retention. One of the main findings of this collaborative research project was what helps keep nurses in the workplace. The main factors that impact on nurse retention are Transition periods in one’s life, Resilience to cope with stressful situations, Authentic leadership as role models, Commitment of the organisation, and Support of a nurse’s health and wellbeing. Using these main concepts, we developed an infographic to present the findings of our research to enable an improvement in nurse retention.
Here is a glimpse, but you can click on the link below for the full pdf!

Helping nurses stay_BU.RBCH.TRACS2019