Brand new session as part of the Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme: Seven secrets of highly successful research students
Facilitator: Hugh Kearns – Hugh is recognised internationally as a public speaker, educator and researcher.
Register Here: Monday 24 May 2021, 10:00 – 12:30
Session summary
What do research degree students do to finish on time, to overcome isolation, doubt and writer’s block, and to enjoy the process? And just as importantly what do they do in order to spend guilt-free time with their family and friends and perhaps even have holidays? If this sounds appealing, then this session will be of particular use to you.
This workshop describes the key habits that our research and experience with thousands of students shows will make a difference to how quickly and easily you complete your research degree. Just as importantly, these habits can greatly reduce the stress and increase the pleasure involved in completing a research degree.
The workshop helps postgraduate researchers to understand how to increase effectiveness and outcomes in the following key areas:
• how you deal with your supervisor
• how you structure your study time
• your attitude (or lack thereof!) in relation to your research
• dealing with writer’s block or having difficulty writing
• getting the help you need when you are stuck
• juggling multiple commitments and never having enough time
• keeping on going when the going gets tough

Register Here: Monday 24 May 2021, 10:00 – 12:30
If you have any questions about this session, please contact Natalie (Research Skills & Development Officer).