Interested in health research in Nepal?
international Edwin van Teijlingen
Today 11 August we are running a workshop at Talbot Campus (in person and online) facilitated by Prof. Sujam Marahatta on ‘Health Research in Nepal: Past and Present, Opportunities and Barriers’. The physical meeting will be in the Fusion Building room F111 starting at 14:00 and finishing at 16:00. Prof. Marahatta, is Professor of Public Health at Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences (MMIHS) in Kathmandu, Nepal. He is visiting Bournemouth University as part of the ERASMUS+ Key Action 107 which includes the exchange of academic staff and students between BU and MMIHS. Several of BU’s PhD students and staff have already been to MMIHS as part of this exchange. He hopes to stimulate debate and generate ideas that will help build health research capacity in Nepal. 
In order to open the meeting to other researchers in the UK studying Nepal the meeting will be hybrid and also available via Teams.
Meeting ID: 399 955 418 574
Passcode: 6Uzh5k
Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen, Prof. Vanora Hundley & Dr. Pramod Regmi
Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
I would like to work in collaborative research, especially action research, and implementation research both qualitative and quantitative methods. My area of research interest is eastern philosophy and therapies, culturally competent care, a patient’s centered care, and care with dignity and love.
This call is for UK students to come to Nepal.