The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow this links for more information:
Association for Industrial Archaeology, GB
Nominations are invited for the Archaeological Reports Award. The awards are given to reports which demonstrate the highest standards of fieldwork, recording and contextual research for industrial archaeological projects. The is one award for the best report produced by a funded project and one for the best report from a project produced by a voluntary group or individual in alternate years. Each award is worth up to £800. Closing date: 01/03/2015
Colt Foundation, GB
The Colt Foundation invites applications for its fellowships in occupational or environmental health. Fellowships are awarded each year to those qualified in science or medicine who are carrying out research within the area of occupational and environmental health at a UK university. The Fellowship is normally for three years and the research is expected to lead to a PhD degree. The stipend rate for the first year is £14000 rising with inflation the following two years. Closing date: 12/10/2015
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB
The EPSRC, under the eFuturesXD programme invites applications for its travel award, which will allow researchers from one ICT discipline to spend a short time in a different institute, or for two researchers to spend time in each other’s institutions. Visits are expected to be no longer than a month and exchanges no more than two weeks per visit (1 month in total). Maximum award (100% fEC) is £5000. Closing date: no deadline
The EPSRC, under the eFuturesXD programme invites applications for its facility award. The award is intended for researchers who have a current or recent cross-disciplinary project and require additional resources to take their idea towards commercialisation or require further investment to bridge the gap with follow-on funding. Applications from early stage work are also permitted but evidence of success factors should be included in the application. Maximum award (100% fEC) is £20000. Closing date: no deadline
The EPSRC, under the eFuturesXD programme invites applications for its staff award. The award is primarily aimed at small teams of researchers carrying out larger scoping or “proof of concept” studies, which require dedicated staff (RA’s) to carry out specific tasks (experiments) or an extended visit to a laboratory in order to be immersed in another discipline. Maximum award (100% fEC) is £60000. Closing date: no deadline
The EPSRC, under the eFuturesXD programme invites applications for its meeting award. Meeting awards are intended to facilitate the building of larger research consortia comprising researchers from a number of departments and institutions across the ICT portfolio. Maximum award limit (100% fEC) is £10000. Closing date: no deadline
Innovate UK, GB
The Next generation predictive policing competition has been launched by South Wales Police and Gwent Police. Its aim is to identify and develop innovative solutions that maximise the effectiveness of resources and enhance the service provided to the communities of Southern Wales. Interested parties must register their interest by 6th March 2015. Organisations will be invited to compete for a share of a total £250000 fund. Closing date: 16/03/2015
Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKEO Funding Development Officer
You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in RKEO or view the recent blog post here.
If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.