Fit for the Future – Leadership and Social Sciences: call for evidence


The ESRC has launched its national consultation as part of the ‘Fit for the Future’ project and seeks your input. Led by Professor Matt Flinders from the University of Sheffield, this consultation focuses on the need to promote researcher and leadership development within the social sciences and aims to drive forward a more ambitious and collaborative national strategy.

The UK is home to a world-class social science research community which forms a vital element of the wider national science base. In order to nurture and develop this community it is critical to recognise both how the social context within which research takes place, and the research funding landscape are changing in ways that create new challenges and – more importantly – new opportunities.

The ESRC has published the evidence review completed by the project team. The ESRC wants to work collaboratively to respond to this and seeks input from researchers at all career stages, staff working in ROs to develop research capability, senior university leadership teams together with other organisations interested in building leadership capacity to inform the next stages in development. They particularly welcome responses to questions raised within the consultation paper which accompanies the review.

BU is preparing an institutional response to this call and welcomes your contribution to a topic that is critical to the future health and vitality of the social sciences.

How to contribute

If you would like your feedback to be included in the institutional response, please complete the feedback form and send to Amanda Lazar at by Wednesday 24th July.



The timeline for gathering feedback for an institutional response is as follows:

3rd  July Invite feedback from academic staff and DDRPPs
24th July Deadline for feedback to be sent to Amanda Lazar
8th August Draft response to be sent to OVC
9th August Submitted for UET approval
16th August Deadline for final institutional response