Tagged / allied healthcare

New BU health publication in Portuguese

Congratulations to Dr. Debbie Almeida in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, who published her latest article late last month colleagues and students.  This article SKIN TEARS: FRICTION INJURIES IN THE ELDERLY AND NURSING DIAGNOSES is in Portuguese and addresses the decline in organic functioning predisposes to a reduction in the human body’s response capacity, increasing the state of vulnerability and fragility of the elderly, especially in relation to the skin. This work aimed to organize nursing diagnoses to support nurses in proposing intervention and care for elderly people with friction injuries or skin tears. Exploratory study, carried out in two stages, with a literature review from December/2022 to March/2023, and structuring of nursing diagnoses. Eleven studies published in the last ten years on skin tears in elderly people were analyzed and 14 nursing diagnoses were structured. Preventive, care and therapeutic measures for skin tears were addressed, as aspects to structure nursing diagnoses for elderly people. Assertive diagnoses are fundamental for the correct planning and implementation of committed and safe assistance, influencing the quality of life of the person assisted


Well done!

Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen



Tobse, L., Santos, dos Santos, B.B., Costa da Cruz, D.M.O., de Paulo, J.G., Almeida, D.G. (2025). SKIN TEARS: LESÕES POR FRICÇÃO EM PESSOA IDOSA E OS DIAGNÓSTICOS DE ENFERMAGEM. Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde da UNIPAR28(3):914–933, https://doi.org/10.25110/arqsaude.v28i3.2024-11494

NIHR Fellowships – Introductory Webinar- 16th June 11-12 – Studland House S203

NIHR will be hosting a live one hour webinar about the NIHR Fellowship Programme on Thursday 16 June 2016 at 11am which may be of interest to you, room booked at Studland House S203

This is a webinar for aspiring NIHR Fellowship award holders ahead of the launch of round 10 of the programme later in the year. The webinar is aimed at clinicians, allied health professionals and health researchers who wish to learn more about personal training awards.

It will be jointly hosted by the NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre (TCC) and the NIHR Research Design Service (RDS) and will include:

  • An overview of the NIHR Fellowship programmes and eligibility requirements
  • A guide to the scope of research projects that are suitable for Fellowship schemes
  • An overview of the support offered by the NIHR RDS
  • Things to consider before applying for an NIHR Fellowship and designing a research project

The webinar will be presented by Nicola Melody, Senior Programme Manager at NIHR TCC and Jill Carlton, Research Fellow in the Health Economics and Decision Science section of ScHARR (School of Health and Related Research) and Fellowships advisor for NIHR Yorkshire and Humber RDS.

As this is a live webinar, attendees will be able to send questions in to the speakers and we will try to answer as many as possible during the webinar. We encourage you to send your question in advance, please for BU, email Alice Brown: browna@bournemouth.ac.uk with the subject: ‘Fellowship Programme webinar question’.


NHS England call for 2016 Healthcare Science Award nominations

Are you and your team working on the cutting-edge science that is delivering the NHS of the future? Have you created an award winning health device or introduced a new innovation that benefits  patients and radically changes diagnosis or management?  NHS England are calling on the healthcare science community to put forward nominations for this year’s annual Healthcare Science Awards.

The awards, now in their 10th year, will be held on 29 February and 1 March as part of the annual healthcare science conference hosted by NHS Chief Scientific Officer for England, Professor Sue Hill OBE.  This year there are seven categories including:


  • Healthcare Scientist of the Year;
  • Healthcare science Rising Stars; (Life Sciences, Physiological, Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering, Bioinformatics) •Innovation in Scientific Services; •Improving Quality and Efficiency through Workforce Transformation; •STEM Engagement; •Healthcare Science Provider Organisation; and •Healthcare Science Patient and Public Participation.


Winners last year included Angela Douglas from Liverpool Women’s Hospital – awarded the Healthcare Scientist of the year – for the impact she has made on NHS Genetics over 35 years at a local, national and profession-wide basis; Professor Art Tucker – celebrated in the Service Innovation category for novel medical devices including one for DVT prevention.

The annual schools science conference and website created by the Science4U organising committee at Great Ormond Street secured the Ambassador of the Year category for the positive impact it has had on year 9-11 students, with many from less academic backgrounds. That conference now involves over 100 scientists and catered for 270 students and teachers last year.

The winners will be announced at an event in central London. Professor Sue Hill OBE, NHS Chief Scientific Officer for England, said: “The NHS Constitution makes it clear that a central principle of the health service is that it ‘operates at the limits of science.’ These awards showcase the incredible contribution healthcare scientists make to patients’ health care and it is only right to celebrate the talent and achievements of the NHS.

“We are keen to capture and highlight the world-leading science that is going on in services up and down the country and are urging people to get their nominations in by 17 February.

“These awards are a key highlight of the annual Chief Scientific Officer’s conference and nominations are invited from individuals, groups and teams of healthcare scientists from across the profession who have made an exceptional contribution.”

Details of the categories, entry forms and guidance on nomination is available on the NHS Networks website. Completed nomination forms should be returned to england.cso@nhs.net no later than 17 February.

The Health Service Journal is supporting this year’s awards.

More details of last year’s winners and finalists can be found on the NHS Networks website.

CoPMRE Eleventh Annual Symposium: Impact in Healthcare Research and Education’

The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research and Education are hosting their Eleventh Annual Symposium on Tuesday 14 October 2014.

The event will focus on developments and activities around impact in healthcare research and education. It will explore impact from the perspectives of the public, the research funder, the university, the provider, the student and the medical educator.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Trish Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care and Dean for Research Impact, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Simon Denegri, Chair INVOLVE
  • Natalie Carter, Head of Research Liaison and Evaluation, Arthritis Research UK
  • Jonathan Grant, Director, Kings Policy Institute.

This symposium is suitable for primary and secondary doctors, allied healthcare professionals, academics and anyone with an interest in medical research and education. Interested staff from across BU are invited and very welcome.

You can register on Eventbrite here. For more information please contact Audrey Dixon.