4th September 2019. 10am – 4:45pm. University of Central Lancashire, Preston. UK.
Are you passionate about science and your field of work? Do you think you can excite and inspire the next generation of young scientists? Have you got an interesting science story to tell the public?
The Interact Symposium is a free one day event for those working in physical and life sciences, and over 120 delegates have already registered. There are over 20 exciting workshops planned that will appeal to people at all stages of their careers and especially early career researchers.
If you are looking for taster sessions on how to start your engagement work, or looking to improve your evaluation skills, this is the symposium for you! Most of the day is devoted to workshops covering our 3 main themes – reaching underserved audiences, schools outreach and sharing practice – with a strong emphasis on evaluation throughout. The Market place offers a wide range of interactives to show and tell sessions on engagement in practice plus lots and lots of free resources and professional advice to help you in your work.
There will also be plenty of time to network. The University of Central Lancashire is also hosting a free reception from 6-8pm on the 3rd September and this is your chance to try local delicacies and meet colleagues and engagement experts in an informal environment.
STFC are offering travel and subsistence bursaries of up to £100 for PhD, postdoctoral researchers, fellows and those within 10 years of their first academic appointment to attend. All you have to do is send an email with a short paragraph justifying your case with “Why do I want to go to Interact 2019? ”to Nicky.Bladen-Hovell@stfc.ukri.org.
Applications will be treated on a first come first served basis and the final closing date is 5pm July 31 2019.
The draft programme will be available soon, please check the registration site for details.