Always engaging, the Centre for Qualitative Research’s Lunchtime Seminar Go Create! Series continues with:
Jen Leamon presenting
“Creating and sharing stories:
Students’ creation of digital stories in undergrad midwifery education”
Wednesday, 7 Nov
1-2 pm
Royal London House 409
(note change in location)
The seminars are always informal, interactive and afford lots of time for audience discussion!
The Centre will be hosting a number of lunchtime ‘Go Create!’ seminars for the 2018/19 academic year, all from 1pm to 2pm in Royal London House.
Wednesday 3 October – ‘Creative ways of dissemination and data gathering’, presented bY Liz Norton, Caroline Ellis-Hill and Ann Hemingway, R201
Wednesday 7 November – ‘Creating and sharing stories: Students creation of digital stories in undergraduate midwifery education’, presented by Jan Leamon, R409
Wednesday 5 December – ‘Creative Writing for Academics Mini-session’, presented by Kip Jones, R409
Wednesday 9 January – ‘Expressing research findings with an artist’, presented by Kathleen Vandenberghe, R409
Wednesday 6 February – ‘Exploring self-ageing through participatory drawing’, presented by Curie Scott, R201
Wednesday 6 March – ‘Dead Poets, Live Teachers: Using films to explore the emerging professional identities of trainee teachers’, presented by Mark Readman, R201

The first CQR Seminar of the academic year will be a CQR members, assocs, and doc students Round-up!
Wednesday, 12 Sept at 1 pm in RLH 409.
Nonetheless, those curious about CQR and how they might get involved are welcome to attend!
Brain-storming future Go Create! seminar ideas (We have the first half of the year covered, but need ideas and people for the second half.
CQR and CEL are beginning a joint adventure! We are developing an association with the Centre for Excellence in Learning, particularly around creativity.Come along and share your thoughts.
Research Collaborations! Many of you have ideas for projects, big and small, and just need that extra pair of hands (and creative input!) to make it happen. A chance to put your ideas forward, and see who might help make them happen!
Any other business
Start the new academic year with camaraderie and conviviality.
We look forward to seeing lots of you at the Round-up 12 Sept.!